22 February 2010

Map of Victoria



  1. Hi Karen,

    I am often checking in to see how you guys are going, and it seems you guys are going 'awright'!
    It seems you are having a great time. Gotta say, I am still envious.
    Alan and I have had the pleasure of two of 'our' 5 kids decide to move in with us, so that dream of going around Oz is looking more distant...unless of course we just say stuff it and let the kids fend for themselves (which is sometimes very tempting).
    Ive added you on to facebook but dont go on it very often. The work computers wont let us go on to 'social networking sites' and i dont often go on to my home computer. So im not ignoring you!
    Happy travelling to the three of you and stay safe.


  2. Drats just when you thought you were free to pursue your dream - hope it isn't too distant into the future.
